Sponsorship and Supporting Us


How you can support Chesterfield Symphony Orchestra

The orchestra has been in existence for 40 years and has every intention of achieving at least another 40. It is however faced with ever increasing costs – rising rents for rehearsal and concert venues, extra players and soloist fees etc. At the same time, external support in the way of grants and sponsorship has dwindled and, in the current economic climate, cannot be expected to return.

Members of the orchestra pay a significant annual subscription to belong, many people are surprised to find out that those on stage pay considerably more than those in the audience. Orchestra members also generously raise money in various other ways.

Patrons scheme

You can help us financially by becoming a Patron of the orchestra. Any contribution is welcome and for as little as £5 pa your name will be included on our brochures and programmes. A contribution of £25 pa will entitle you to one free ticket during the concert season, £35 will entitle you to two and £45 to three. We also welcome patrons, if they wish, to become involved with the orchestra in fundraising or social events.

If you would like to become a Patron please send your name, address and donation to Joyce Sallis, 14 Morris Avenue, Chesterfield S41 7BA or tel. 01246 273767 or email joycesallis1@btinternet.com



You can raise funds for the orchestra by shopping online via the easyfundraising site. You can use this site to shop online at over 2000 well-known retailers - every purchase you make will generate a free cash donation for the orchestra (without costing you any extra).
To help in this way, go to www.easyfundraising.org.uk, register and choose Chesterfield Symphony Orchestra as your nominated charity (our Registered Charity number is 512769). After that, search for the internet store you want to use and proceed with your shopping.


Concert Organisation

At concerts we welcome help from supporters who are willing to man the ticket desk, or act as stewards.

A non-profit Orchestra, Chesterfield Symphony Orchestra  is self funded, with all revenue directed to the running of the Orchestra.  We would very much appreciate the sponsorship of any company willing to provide us with financial support, or even just to help fund a particular expense.

For full details please contact us via email

Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2025 Chesterfield Symphony Orchestra